Sunday, 29 October 2017


After lunch I went to the Prom and I walked.

See the reflection of the sky in the water on the beach?!  Certainly worth getting out of the car for that.  It was cold and blustery.  A lot less wind speed than yesterday.  We have Hooleys up here which is a Scottish word for wind.  At one point whilst leaning over the railings the chariot went off on its own.  Windmill going like fury.  Had to laugh.  The wind speed was 20 mph gusting to 29.  I coped.

Today it was Kite surfing.  As opposed to wind surfing.  

Not my photo but this is what they try for! (Photo Broch Photo House.)

The chariot and I can think about competing, well the chariot can.  I often think I should put a brick in the chariots bag.

Not many members of the Gull Gang.  A juvenile Herring Gull.

Must have fell off a boat.  Beach cleaners managed to get it out of the Kessock Burn, which is some feat.  It stops the boat bashing against the side of things.

Back into the shedudio.  Time for a sort out.

Moving stuff around and re-hanging.

I have a shop on my Buchan Birds and Beasts facebook page.  Which I am also to overhaul.  Framed pictures with glass are a challenge to post.  But I can post mounted originals to anywhere in the world so do check the shop out as I am rejigging that in the next few days.  If you are any nearer I am going to have some open weekends with coffee and cake - or tea.  

Feeling energised after walking!


BadPenny said...

Love the reflection in the first photo. A weight in your chariot may be helpful !


Cada quadro lindo!

justjill said...

Translated the above is 'Each beautiful Picture.'