Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Wednesdays child is full of woe. But I was born on a Monday.

A bad day pain wise.  Also too windy - again - for the haul up the Esplanade.  I dont care if its force 10 tomorrow I will walk.  It loosens the back and mentally I feel good if I do the walk.

I did some painting.  Did some bird and rat watching.

As soon as I open the shedudio window and hiss it goes..Into the compost heap and then back again.....

Male Siskin, through the window.

I have start keenly watching now for Redpolls and Siskins actually nesting for the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). I dont have to find the nest, just watch if they have nesting material, discarding egg sacs, collecting food for the babies..etc. Then record it.

Heard back today from the insurance company who have okd our fence/hedge damage being sorted.  Our man on the job is also going to paint the outside of the shedudio.  The Joiner for the interior of the shedudio is coming tomorrow to see if what I want is feasible and quote and the other joiner is sending me a quote for the new front door and a failed double glazed window.  I hope they do not all come at once as we have few parking spaces and are on a narrow country lane.

Part of all their contracts will be tramping regularly around where rats have been seen and shouting, swearing and being particularly obnoxious to rats.

Our house is called Cherry Cottage.  This is an ornamental cherry.  First to bloom.  

The second one to bloom is to the right of the path which goes to a gate onto the lane.  No-one uses any of our gates.  Still unsure as to why we have the gates.

Struggling to bloom.

There are two actual cherry trees which bear fruit.  Also in the front garden.  It is an annual race to get the fruit between us and the Blackbirds.

The ones at the rear by the shedudio are ornamental, the big blowsy ones.  I live in hope that Bullfinches will appear and take all the buds.  So far not.

As this appears to be a mainly sitting and looking day .... this is our view from the Dining Table as we eat in the evening.

Yesterday I watched a pregnant ewe pacing up and down the nearer field.  Hours and hours.  Told our neighbour.  Pleased to hear at 3 a.m. Shaun the ram lamb was born.

Still looking round from a seated position.

The sitting room window.  Dried Alliums. The Witch Ball and the candle ready for the frequent power cuts one gets in the country..

The wood burning stove and waiting kettle, waiting for frequent power cuts....

And this - ?  

God knows.  The only thing I have that might be worth something from my Mother.  I doubt it.  She never gave me anything that was worth anything.

But finally - bored out of your skulls by now?  Me too.

My eldest daughter.  Joint winner of the Philip Abrams Memorial prize for best first sole authored book in sociology. 

Together with Casper, my grandson born 20th January in a sling, you can just see his head.

It doesnt matter how bad a day is there is always something to make you smile.


Lyssa Medana said...

Those pictures are amazing, your home and surroundings look so beautiful and I have the deepest respect for people who understand birds. The gates that no-one uses intrigues me - it's probably a long story that involves the people who lived there before you, or before them. My uncle's old place had been in the family since 1923 so we knew all the stories of why, and could share. As a storyteller, my mind is whirring.

Most important - well done your daughter! Just wow! You must be so proud. It's such an impressive achievement. x

e said...

I do love your photos and paintings...Congratulations to your daughter. She is a super woman.