Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Tuesdays twittering.

Bit creaky today.  Havering about a walk.  But knew it would quiet the creaks so off I went.

It was chilly, but little wind.

The Gulls were gathering as the tide was coming in.  

Then as I headed for the Path of Doom, and do my .59 of a mile, I spotted this.

Not much room for the chariot.  As we do have a lot of wind up here sand from the dunes encroaches onto the Path of Doom.  Every so often the Cooncil (not a misprint its Doric), clear the sand and put it back onto said dunes.  The chariot struggles with sand.... so not too bothered at not being able to do the full walk today.  Tomorrow I can smoothly go upwards.  (Great coming back tho !)

Another result of the winds

The gardeners were here yesterday cutting the grass.  The Leaning Tower of Lonmay revealed itself after having a short, back and sides.  Apparently the left post is broken, but we think..... the ivy might hold it up a bit longer.  The birds hide in here before checking its safe to visit the bird feeders outside the kitchen window.

I do love it when the gardeners have been and shaved the grass.  Our wee spinney looks good.  As does the new fence.

Problem is I get terribly frustrated as I want to be tweaking, pruning and weeding, and planting and ohhhhhhhhhhhhh............


The Weaver of Grass said...

Too chilly here for much gardening and set to get colder for the weekend.

e said...

I like how well things have turned out, and your first photo would also make a lovely painting.