Saturday, 15 July 2017


Weather has been awful.  Persistently rained.  Mist/cloud rolling in and back, tad chilly too.

I managed an hour down the shedudio and did some painting.

Really depressing day.

To cheer me up here is a photo I took last month.  But this is how the sky was today.  And I did see some bees on the garden plants.  So positive thoughts for tomorrow.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Positive thoughts indeed Jill -jusr what I crave at the moment.

kjsutcliffe said...

I find rain very conducive for painting. The light is softer and I just become absorbed by the act of painting. Lovely photo x

BadPenny said...

Sending some sunshine from here. It's getting hotter as the day goes on. I potted up some plants but have comei inside to cool down and catch a bit of Wimbledon x

Gail, northern California said...

Will you attempt to paint that image?

vic said...

And here I am in hot and humid Indiana wishing for a grey day with some soft persistent rain coming down. We humans are never really satisfied with the status quo, are we?