Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Its too darn hot.

A few weeks back the DP had a cold, sneezing, sore throat.  At which point he vacates the marital bed and goes upstairs.

Sith cat thinks that the nearest human should give him his breakfast and starts asking for this at varying times after the sun comes up.  Well here in Scotland its up around 4 a.m. at the moment.  So I have this cat sitting at the side of the bed demanding his breakfast.  I ignored him but that does not stop the plaintive yowls.

Lack of sleep rather set the tone for the day = exhausted.  Tonight the DP will return to the marital bed  and then he can get up and feed the damn cat and then go out and do some Dawn Patrolling and I can get back to sleep.

Hot from Dawn breaking.  

Due to the Dawn serenade/plea for food,  I went back to bed after lunch.

But then I went off for the walk.

A beautiful day.  The Kessock Burn entering the North Sea.

The Gull Gang pootling about.

But too many people and dogs meant they were more in flight than anything else.

Don't know who gets annoyed more, me or the Gulls.

Did almost the .59 although it was like wading through hot soup.  Someone had parked in my usual space so a bit shorter walk.  But I had had enough anyway.

Home again and collapsed in the shedudio.

I had planned to pot on the plug perennials I got in May.  Into bigger pots.  

I am well pleased with them.  I thought I had lost some to the slugs but there is growth in every pot.  Now I just have to work out my labelling system.  But it was too hot to transplant today.  The DP will be watering again tonight.  And tomorrow I must do this task first.

6 each of these two lists.

The taller plants will eventually go by the fence.  The foxgloves/digitalis and Delphinium.  But I have to  pot on and give each pot a label. And try and work out which is which as apart from the list, in no order, its down to me recognising - ha ha.

Sith cat has not joined us this evening for the t.v catch up of Law and Order as he usually does, and is snoring on the bed.  Perhaps he will think on before waking us at some stupid hour in the morning.  Windows are wide open.  Still hot.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Plants are looking healthy but a lot of work for you. Wish I had thought about the heights of mature plants as I have some that need to be moved! For instance, the Bee Balm is much taller than the sedum!!