Sunday, 2 July 2017


The DP went off into the wilds of Ballater on a bird watching jaunt.  NE Scotland RSPB group.

So I managed my own breakfast.  Did the minutes for FASE 4.  Did the dishwasher, washing machine loaded and set off.  In between all of these activities I had a sit down of course.  Bathed and dressed.  Lunch made and consumed, crossword done.  Then off for the walk.

It was quite breezy, coolish, so an empty beach almost.

I did not do the full walk.  Some pain in the back area.  Probably from the chair I sat in yesterday, stupidly did not grab the cushions that were around to plug the gap between my back and the back of the bucket chair.  I have always had problems with being small. In height.  My feet are usually swinging in the breeze when I am sat.  Now only 4 feet 10 it is worse!

So did quite a lot of railing leaning and watching the lovely Gull gang.

Came home.  Fed Sith cat.  

Coming in to this - the shedudio - leave all my troubles behind!  Between you and I - I dont think it will ever be finished as each time I go in I see something I could/should tweak.  So I have decided to just pick a weekend when it will be open and tell people and get it over with.  Then gear up for North East Open Studios in September. Well thats the plan.

Almost ready for the black centres of the Ornamental Poppies.  Then I can start back into seabirds - again!!!


crafty cat corner said...

Looking forward to seeing those poppies finished, love the colours.

kjsutcliffe said...

Good idea to have an open day, you will have to report back ! I might be picking your brains for our open studio days too!