Friday, 14 July 2017


Just happened to be the day the exercises fell on.  I did them all apart from the Steps which to be honest was one step too far.....  Sorry.  But it was.  I will do it tomorrow.

Lots of bill paying in the morning, well someone has to do it.  Shuffling money around too. I am surprised the bank hasnt accused me of money laundering.  I like to be sure there is plenty in the current account while moving stuff into the savings.  And for some daft reason you cant pay a bill directly from the savings, which is why the amount was put there, so I dont spend it on other frivolities. As if.

After lunch it was off to do the .59 of a mile.

A beautiful day.

The Gull Gang abluting, drinking..they can drink both sea water and fresh.  Where the Kessock Burn enters the sea is still the most popular spot.  A mixed cocktail!

Up in the Dunes there were a few White Lipped Snails.  Mainly on Hogweed.

This was never going to be a good idea.  But 5 stars for trying.

The Herring Gulls in Fraserburgh show how polite and restrained one can be when seeing people eating fish and chips.  Just doing a dance here, dont I deserve just one chip?

Home and down to the shedudio.  The small canvases are proliferating as the DP has fixed their hanging equipment.  I have run out of stands.....

I was excused potting on of perennials as all the potting compost was used for this beauty purchased today by the DP and potted by him.

A Canna Lily.  Whether it survives the winds......  It is getting a bit of shelter here.  I can see it.  So promising.  And its Friday so who really cares?


Chris said...

Lovely photos! The glass of wine reminds me of our greeting to each other at work on Fridays - TGIF - Thank goodness it's Friday!

Przygody z drutami said...,they.are.lovely,gretings

Anonymous said...

So funny to read this post today about money moving! DH did all ours yesterday and said exactly the same thing about money laundering. I love your updated studio, and I look forward to seeing your photograps of the sea in all its seasons and moods. We also used to say, like Chris. TGIF on Fridays, but towards the end of each term we were inclined to say TFIF. ( I think you can work that out) Catriona

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love the way you always manage to add some gull photos.

galant said...

I do that money shuffle, too! Just to get the best interest on a savings account. It's worth it when you can do it quickly online.
Love your paintings - can we see more of those in due course?
Hope you are feeling better today,
Margaret P