Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Powering up the Prom.

This 'new' me is taking some getting used to.  I keep expecting the funny taste, the breath to stop, the temperature to shoot up, but no.  Although as the evening draws on I am cream crackered!

No hat, no gloves, and almost, but not quite, a no coat day.

The Gull Gang were undisturbed today.

Small boat going in and big one off out.

Horse and rider off up into the Dunes.

Seen it all now.  Removing the sand from the path and uncovering the railings.  I said, "It will be back!"  "I ken." was the reply.  At a guess this was Community Service.  

Temperature well up.  Doors open in the Shedudio.

More on tulips.  Also sketched out some Puffins.  Not shown.

This evening's sunset.


Chris said...

Must be the improving weather that is putting you in such a positive frame of mind. Good for you!

wherethejourneytakesme said...

You sound very happy - lovely sunset picture. Can't wait to see the finished tulips.

Terra said...

That sounds like a full happy day. I would like to ride a horse in the dunes, I did that as a child in the dunes along Lake Michigan.

Bovey Belle said...

I am SO delighted that you are feeling really well again and LONG may it last Jill. Can't say the same here at the moment, but am plodding on with painting today as that is a sitting/standing still job with just one limb working!!