Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Things are looking up!

Still windy but warmer.  Later the sun shone.  Forecast for tomorrow is less wind and sunshine all day.

I had my wash,  body and hair and moisturised by a different carer today.  But we managed.  Though she is not as funny as my usual one!  

I am feeling well enough to reinstate my pulmonary physio exercises.  Every other day.  I have now  managed two so far.  Does make me feel better.

And I walked at the Prom.

Overcast and grey.

The Gull gang facing into the wind.

A bit dicey landing!

Again not many walkers.  Or dogs.  But as I was leaving there were a few arriving.  

Cracking on with the Spoonbill.  The bird is such a strange creature!  There are now a pair of them at Strathbeg RSPB bird reserve.  The yellow bits are part of its breeding plumage.

I am feeling much happier today.  Long may it last.

Now planning what to do on the large canvas.  Any suggestions?  No not Oystercatchers!  Unless I did a really big one......


Anonymous said...

that spoon bill is coming along!! Your big canvas will whisper in ear when its ready to reveal itself lol,,

Ellen said...

Puffins on a cliff?

Sue in Suffolk said...

A barn owl flying at night.... if your DP has taken a photo in the dark?!

hart said...

I love the spoonbill and am glad you are feeling better.

Terra said...

Your spoonbill is looking good.

crafty cat corner said...

Spoonbill looking really lovely. Glad you feel better.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

Whatever you decide on I know will be a brilliant painting. Love the Spoonbill.