Thursday, 11 April 2019

I crave normality!

Weather back to being gloomy.  

Plan today was a visit to the Willows Animal Sanctuary.  Which everyone went to except me.

The Pig was popular.  As was the Peacock.

I took myself off to the Prom after lunch.

A family, but not mine.  And breathe!  I love them all but I am so tired!

Small boats coming in and leaving the harbour.

Not many people so plenty of the Gull Gang.

Sadly some fishing boat rubbish....

Then home again and the Shedudio.  I lit the stove the DP had laid, fed the birds and sat down.  Then I was invaded.

These were the grandkids without snotty noses so allowed in.  Although I will count myself very lucky if I am not felled in the next few days.  

So this was the last day.  It has been a great success.  Enjoyed by all.  But very tiring!  

See you on the other side.


Jules said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed your time together. Precious memories. Now rest. X

Sue in Suffolk said...

But you'll miss them when it's all quiet again.........maybe!

wherethejourneytakesme said...

Children do bring a wonderful energy with them - it is hard to remember having such energy ourselves. Have a good rest now.

Days in My Life said...

Your red-headed granddaughter loves her green jacket. I've seen it in several photos. Fingers crossed that you will keep well.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't come down with a cold, that would be bad. I can understand why you're tired, but its a good tired lol,,

lynney62 said...

Wondering where Sith Cat is during all the excitement of family visiting..:)

crafty cat corner said...

I fully understand you being tired. Tom finds most things tiring now and needs to nap during the day to refresh.
Going out for a meal is enough for him to be floored but he's a trooper and keeps going.
Let's hope you don't get any nasties from the Gran kids.

Bovey Belle said...

I know what you mean about family wearing you out. Even my grown-up ones do when they visit all together! I sincerely hope that the germs aren't passed on to you and glad that you got your sea air respite today.