Monday, 15 April 2019

Fed up of the wind.

Still blowing strongly around the house and will be all night and tomorrow too.  It is not as cold.

This morning was my monthly pill of Ibandronic Acid.  I have to take it one hour before food and stay upright for that hour.  It is to reverse bone loss and prevent fractures of the spine.  I fractured my spine and some of my bones crushed together and I lost height!  Thats how it was discovered I had Osteopenia, confirmed by  a bone density scan.  I also have a twice a day pill with extra calcium.  Old age - you dont just get one thing wrong with you, you get a list.  But there are others far worse than I.

To the Prom!

I tacked my way to the railings.  And hung on.  The lady who cleans the public loos said I was mad.

Horrid is it not.  

Even the birds had their backs to me, facing into the wind.

I managed 10 minutes.  Then home.

Stove lit.

Painting the Spoonbill.

We are now looking for a replacement built in oven.  The door wont shut.  We have no idea how old it is.  We have been here 8 years.  The DP has tried alsorts.  Now resorted to parcel tape when in use.  I was surprised to see the ovens do not cost that much.  Argos do an install and take away the old one.  So the DP is now working out which will fit. As he does the cooking it needs to be one he is happy with.

Then of course I need a replacement car as the garage said it could die on me again, which I cannot cope with.  That is my independence.  Dont these things come in threes?  Good job its April when pensions allegedly increase.  

Hysterical laughter.  


wherethejourneytakesme said...

The pension increase might just cover your new car (I don't think!!)
Your shedudio always looks so warm and inviting.
The Spoonbill looks amazing - I love the colours and background.
Our oven on the blink too - works some days not others (like me I think)

Patty said...

Your shedudio looks inviting and comfortable.
Your paintings are beautiful and I'm in awe of your talent. Don't have oystercatchers or gulls here in the Midwest of the USA, so I enjoy seeing your pics of them! When you show the oystercatchers now, they make me smile! Thank you!