Friday, 18 September 2020


 Today was the monthly pill day.  I have to get up early.  Take the Inbandronic acid pill which helps to stop my bones crumbling.  Stay upright.  An hour later I can have my breakfast.  The rest of the day is 'orrible.  

My carer came and washed me.  But I drew the line at hair washing.  No way could I bend over the bath for that today.

So to cheer us all up this is what the DP and I saw through the dining room patio door last night.

So long as we do not make a sound they will remain.

The DP went off to meet our daughter and her family at St Combs beach.  This has rock pools.

In the afternoon we all met up at Aden Country Park.  Which is worth googling if you would like to know more.  I haven't the room.  It is also known as the Jewel in Buchan's Crown.

There is a play park, a Fairy Woodland and a farming museum, latter not open at the moment.  Nor the shop.  But the cafe is open for take aways.  The DP and I left them as they headed for the Fairy Woodland.

The DP and I went to the Prom for me to get some vitamin sea.

Boats.  Oystercatchers.

I walked at both places inland and on the shore.

We have so enjoyed their visit.  How long will it be before any of them can come again.  Gloom is looming yet again.

Cling on to the good things we must.


Mary Bolton said...

The Badgers by the door are amazing!

Jackie said...

I take a pill every week like that. However I only have to wait 30 minutes to be able to eat or drink. Took mine today as well.

God bless.

Terra said...

What animals are those who visited you? My only guess is badgers. Good you had a nice outing with family and also got your vitamin sea.

mamasmercantile said...

I am thrilled you had such a good visit all we can do is hang on to the memories. A joy to see the badgers so close, what a thrill.

crafty cat corner said...

I wonder where the badgers sett is? do they travel long distances?
What a privilege to be able to see them so close like that.

BethB from Indiana said...

Fantastic pictures of the badgers.

Chris said...

Oh, those badgers are getting bold! Must be all the treats you are leaving for them. Glad you got to spend time with family.