Wednesday, 16 September 2020


 Wednesday is the day my friend and fellow artist visits.  Most weeks.  Today she came and we laughed. Chatted. Exchanged worries.  Laughed.  We need such friends.  Glad I have her.

Here are last nights videos from the trail camera.  Broch and Fatty and a few cats come most nights now.  I am considering changing the house name to wildlife reserve.....

After friend visit during which no painting got done the DP and I went to the Prom.

Both walked.  He goes faster than me.

And further.

Not many boats.

Not many people.

Enough birds to satisfy my soul.  This last one is a Curlew.  A first for me on the beach here.  Superb camouflage among the rocks.

There may be some duplication the new blogger does not seem to have a delete....

Surfers beginning to gather for surf school.

And finally the sun goes down.

Tomorrow is another day and daughter, partner and 2 wee boys are visiting.  I have completely lost the plot as to what we are allowed to do.  Meet or not?  Course we will.  Masks galore and stuff to cleanse by the ton.


Jackie said...

The beach looks so peaceful, such a lovely place to visit.

I am so glad that you have such a good friend.

God bless.

Sue in Suffolk said...

How good to spot the Curlew.
Have a wonderful time with your family

crafty cat corner said...

How I would love to see those badgers in real life and the curlew. I feel a painting of a curlew coming on, lol

mamasmercantile said...

Thrilled that you are seeing family, have a wonderful time.

Ellen D. said...

A lovely visit to the Prom. Thanks!

Chris said...

Another blogger, Susanne, said to highlight the photo and press the delete button on your keyboard. I haven't tried it yet. Good luck with the visit from the little ones. Mine can't come any more since they went back to school and our numbers are rising again.