Thursday, 3 September 2020


 Broch returned again.

All good.

The wind had blown itself away and taken the rain too.
Both of our woodburners had their flues cleaned today so we are all set for the Winter.  I had to do some shuffling around to be away from ashes and soot.
Then we went to the Prom.


A Bay Swimmer.

Gull Gang.

Oystercatcher and Redshank.

That is my first go with the new blogger and I do not like it one bit.


Chris said...

You will get used to it. Keep working on it as I think the change will be permanent before long.

Just Because said...

Haha, I must have missed something! When did you name the beast?

Lovely pictures!

Jackie said...

At least you got your pictures sized properly I still haven't figured that out yet.

The badger really likes to visit your house.

God bless.

Tigger's Mum said...

Persevere, like all change it will eventually become part of life's normal routine. However we know what you mean, and the hours of life that get invested (read 'wasted') in learning (or relearning) how to be a tool of the technology rather than the technology being an aid to your lifestyle.

mamasmercantile said...

I a not a fan either of the new blogger I expect it will get easier.