Friday, 8 March 2019

Turned the corner.

Well, hoping so.  Today was the first in 2 weeks I felt bordering on normal.
Also I was washed, body and hair, moisturised and dressed, by my personal carer.  Last time was Tuesday....have not managed on my own since then.

Due to the DP speaking to either a total twit or not been trained receptionist,  at the surgery,  on Tuesday morning explaining I had to have steroids.  I did not get the steroids until yesterday evening.  I will not go in to the saga that preceded me getting the steroids, so havent started them til this morning but my stress levels and the DPs who was toing and froing to pharmacy, surgery and back again.  He then was in the surgery saying I had to have a doctor visit as I was so ill.  Then I was phoned by this twit who said it was too late for a doctor to visit, at 5 to 3.  But if I could get to the surgery by 3.30................ Did not really think this was a viable option and told her so in no uncertain terms.  When the DP came home he answered the phone, the prescription had been done - could he collect and take to the chemist.  So back he went again.  Never, ever had this from my surgery and when I am next in, hypertension clinic at the end of the month and breathing clinic due I shall express my anger and frustration.

Hey ho.

Today I made it to the Prom.

Churning sea and high tide.

The Oyster catchers were running away every time the sea surged up.  The black blob is a random barrel, god knows what it contained .

The 'Courageous' returning to harbour.

When I returned to my harbour I was met with the welcome sight of a wood pile being created.

The logs are delivered and tipped.  Then the DP waits till the old logs have nearly all been 
used and moves them elsewhere then starts to stack the new pile.  It is delivered as all dried out and ready to go on the stove.

An oil delivery this week should see us through for quite a while.

I even managed the Shedudio.  Oystercatchers looking more and more like a cartoon....

When the Daffodils get blown over I ask the DP to bring them in.

Outside this amazing plant continues to delight.  Spreading, blooming, more buds, Hellebore.  A star.

Very cheap purchase from Lidl last year.

One of my questions on comments was regarding side effects on steroids.  Well waking every hour during the night, which I am not looking forward to, also they caused my cataract deterioration and my bones to become brittle and every time I knock something it bruises.  If it helps me lungs to function who cares.  Some you win some you lose.

So - managed the corner but not yet the three point turn.


MarleneS said...

Good to hear you are feeling a bit more normal. I love hellebores and the flowers always last a long time.

crafty cat corner said...

So pleased that you are on the mend. We had frustrations at our surgery this week. Tom took his blood pressure on one machine and then realised that the 'do it all' machine also took it, he go 2 different readings. On enquiring why this was we were told that one of the machines was not accurate, I then asked in a nice loud voice 'why is it here then?' they didn't quite know how to answer. I almost give up with these doctors.
He then went in for his review and the nurse asked him what he was there for ????? I get so angry about these things, all we ask is that they do the job properly.
Still, may you keep progressing, was a bit worried when a post didn't appear.

Emmbee said...

You really do get to deal with some twits at times don’t you!
LOL the oyster catchers look like they’re holding up their skirts so they don’t get wet!

Fishcake_random said...

I'm so glad you're feeling a little more yourself. A good scrub in the tub is a magical thing isn't it?
Enjoying seeing your paintint develop x x

mamasmercantile said...

How frustrating for you both, so glad you managed to get it all resolved. Hopefully now that you have the steroids you will feel a little better. Take care.

Bovey Belle said...

So glad to hear that you feel you've turned the corner but REALLY, a complaint should go in about having to wait for the steroids. My Doc always makes sure I have some in the cupboard, as I know when they are necessary, so perhaps you could ask to do the same?

Rosie said...

So glad you are feeling better! Seems appropriate that the "Courageous" was coming into harbour.

Jean said...

Glad you are feeling better. Your flowers are beautiful. We have similar scenarios at our surgery with DB's medication.

BethB from Indiana said...

Thanks for the info about the side effects of steroids for you. I have some of the same with the addition of weight gain (constant hunger). My eyes have been bothering me lately, too, so I'll ask me eye doctor about it in relation to steroid use.

Glad you are on the upturn, hopefully! You deserve some good luck.