Thursday, 28 March 2019


Dressed by 11 a.m. Slut I am.

Had to force myself to sort out stuff for the Art Group meeting tomorrow afternoon as I will not be there. 
I also cancelled the Hypertension Clinic appointment.  This involved the usual tortuous discussion with the receptionist at the surgery.  Just a small example.  I asked for another appointment in the afternoon later on next week.  

"But you are down for the starvation clinic."  

"No I do not have the starvation to do that's why the appointment I was cancelling was for 10 past 11, not crack of dawn."

"Did you speak to the nurse?  "  

"How else would I have an appointment?"

The nurse will phone me tomorrow.

Such a beautiful day.  No wind, sun shining and it was warm.  I had to go to the Prom, although the DP came with me.

How calm the sea is.

Herring Gulls doing contortions.

High up in the sky a skein of Pink Footed Geese.  This one of three and the smallest of three skeins heading towards the Loch of Strathbeg, our local bird reserve.  They should actually be going the other way now back to Iceland or wherever.  They overwinter with us and then return to breed.

This was above our house.  Down to the Shedudio.  No fire and the door open!

Dyson our alpha male Pheasant was outside for some time.

Taking advantage as to what is on offer.

Life drawing!

Bit more on the Tawny Owl.

The DP is now fully back into the Dawn Patrolling and coming back with some amazing photos.

Grey Heron.

Rare breed Zwartble.  I assume as the lamb grows it changes colour.

So that was my Thursday.  Hope yours was good too.  Keep battling on!


DUTA said...

Starvation clinic in the UK?! I thought this was a new trend in Russia for overweight people. It is diet taken to extreme, probably quite dangerous medically.

justjill said...

DUTA you starve for the cholesterol test. Its an automatic call if you have high blood pressure. Its more important that I eat anything as The COPD means i need energy to breathe, and eat. So now I do not have to do the starvation before the blood test. My cholesterol levels were never that high anyway.

Jules said...

I'm sorry but I had to chuckle at your 'tortuous discussion.' I've endured many in my time. X

kjsutcliffe said...

The lambs will stay white - looking at their faces I would hazard a guess the ram was a Texel or a cheviot. The zwartble lambs look just like their mums - perfect little mini-me with long legs and faces. We have SO many of them round here.
How do the locals round you pronounce zwartbles? it should sound a bit like 'sVartblez' (coz is a dutch breed) but the farmers round here all call them 'swore-bulls'!!

mamasmercantile said...

Like Jules I chuckled at the torturous discussion. I am so thankful we don't have that here but it did remind me of our previous surgery.