Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Much better.

But there were still signs of infection so I did phone the surgery.  I was still in shock at getting straight through then being able to speak to the person I wanted to!  However I have another course of antibiotics, that's number 3.  Start tomorrow.

But I do feel so much better.  Thrilled.

So, although the wind was still blowing strongly, I was off to the Prom.  What a beautiful day.


Lots of Gulls in the Burn.

And the odd Oyster catcher.

Along came a dog chasing a ball.  Off the birds went.

The sea is still quite wild.

Remember the steps railings disappearing into the piled up sand?  Back to normal!

Oystercatchers sheltering by the rocks as the tide comes in.

Blast from the past. 2011.  As we were viewing the house.  A lot changed since then!  Not just me.  This came up in my facebook memories.  Later in the day a worldwide crash of facebook.  Hope they are not connected.....


That time of year again!

Life goes on.


wherethejourneytakesme said...

I much prefer your sheduduio as it is now with the plain windows and blue paint. Don't think I have known you long enough to have seen you with long hair before but it must be easier for you to keep now being short.
What a gorgeous day up there - still miserable and rain down here.

Catsngrams said...

I am so jealous. We got 11 inches of snow and yesterday I was out raking the yard. I have not been able to get on facebook and you just told me why. Thanks for the update I wondered what was going on.
I do hope this round of antibiotic does the trick. Take care.


Sue in Suffolk said...

So glad you are on the mend.
Didn't know Facebook had crashed - that must have caused panic!

Bovey Belle said...

I've noticed birds collecting twigs here too (a Red Kite dropped one in the gardenfor me!) Glad you are feeling better and got through to the GP quickly for once. LOVE those first two photos - could be the Med!

janipi said...

Beautiful blue skies. It is good to look at old photos and see what you have achieved.

Chris said...

What a transformation! The shedudio I mean. Glad you are feeling better, Jill.

mamasmercantile said...

Glad you are feeling better, hopefully the next round of medication will clear the infection. What a huge difference you have made to the shedudio.