Saturday, 11 November 2017

I must go down to the sea again.

Despite the wind I decided to drive down to the beach, if only to look at the sea.

On the way I was nearing the junction when I saw the farm near the top were moving their Hairy Coos.

There was another man out of sight on the left shaking a bucket to entice the beasts to follow him.

I was obviously the barrier downward although I drew a lot of interest.

This was the last - apart from Big Daddy - who may have been intended to be left behind.  

But this young man was having none of it.

Despite all the skills of the round up chap on the Quad bike who had about four goes he gave up.  So Big Daddy and his young een remained together - at least for today.  Along with the white hen you might have spotted.

So I drove on and down to the beach.  I remained in the car.  Once parked it was rocking.  If a heavy car rocks from side to side there would be no chance for me.

So - the sea is still there.  Still beautiful.  

Back home.  I decided Christmas was looming I better get cracking.

Card folding.

Labels attached to the rear.

Then this years Christmas art work to be photographed, printed off, guillotined and stuck onto said card.  

I must go down to the sea again
The lonely sea and the sky
I think I left my socks there
I wonder if they're dry.

Spike Milligan.

More wind tomorrow and rain.


Lynda said...

I always feel refreshed after reading and seeing your sea posts. If I can't get there myself, your photos are the next best thing. xx

justjill said...

Thank you Lynda.

BadPenny said...

Ooh I love Highland coos. Good prep for you Christmas s cards x