Sunday, 5 November 2017

Roond and aboot.

The wind returned - big time.

  Also the day I take the once weekly Alendronic Acid pill.  Yet again I felt nauseous all day.  So I googled it.  Apparently I have to wait four hours before taking one of the twice daily Accrete D3 tablets.  DOH.  

So I will try that next week and if I still totally lose the day from being nauseous I will go back to the doctors.

So what with the wind and the pill I did not go out for a walk.  The DP was away for the day with 4th child looking at stone circles and mounds etc.

While I went down the shedudio to bird watch and paint.

Lots of birds on the ground eating seed that is scopped out by the ones on the bird feeders above.

Possibly this years Christmas Card....  I did more painting and drawing but it suddenly became dark as the sunset so no more photographs.


Chris said...

I love your little Robin Redbreast. The robins here are much larger and not nearly so endearing!

Lynda said...

Love the 'possible Christmas card'!! xx

Susan Heather said...

Love the Christmas card

Sue in Suffolk said...

It should make a good card,hope you get out for your walk today