Sunday, 12 November 2017


Not much to report today.  High winds all day plus hail dumping every so often.

Why is it on a day I do not have to do much/can't do much I am then really tired?

I took the weekly pill.  This time I obeyed the instructions NOT to take the Accrete until 4 hours had elapsed, i.e. after lunch rather than breakfast.  And -  NO nausea.  Yay.

Hail stones.  Covering the ground.  Winds howling round from during the night to now.  Though it is forecast to drop and I should get out for an overcast walk tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

So down the shedudio.  Fan heater on full blast.  Bit of painting .  Then card production.

The image is put onto A4 size and printed off on photographic paper.

Sliced up on the guillotine or cut with scissors.... And stuck on to the folded and labelled card.


And , of course, a bit of bird watching in between.

A charm of Goldfinches.

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