Friday, 24 November 2017

Good Friday. I do know its November but it was Good.

Land of the Big Sky.  This time of year one is more aware of the Big Sky.

The three photographs above were all taken at the same time - just moving the camera along.

Down below .

One of the biggest fishing boats heading for harbour.

A better view of the size of the thing with the Surfers bobbing about.  I swear they just go for a craik (chat).

The DP took the two above which show at the other side of the bay a Surfer who knew how to do it.

And one of the female of the Surfer species.  

A lone member of the Gull gang.  Tide almost high.  Blackheaded.

Back home and the birds are gathering for food.  The bird feeders outside the kitchen window get filled in the morning, then the ones outside the shedudio in the afternoon.  And THEY KNOW!.

In between bird watching I continued with my latest painting of Redshanks and throwing salt around.  Salt does wonderful effects onto the paint.  As you should be able to see from the foreground rocks.  The salt is removed after it has performed it's magic.

This evening the DP and I watched the last of The Loch series which I had taped, cant stand adverts so taped, we can whip through them.  Really enjoyed the Loch.  Good acting and an exciting end.  Though they didn't find the last body - of the killer......


Chris said...

We got The Loch here but I didn't watch it . I preferred In Plain Sight which is also set in Scotland (Glasgow, I believe).

Rosie said...

Love your photos, I can imagine being there. Looking forward to seeing more of your paintings, they are great, you are very talented.