Wednesday 8 May 2019


A brief visit to the Prom/Esplanade.  The wind was back.

Coming straight off the sea.

A short walk.  The chariot had already been blown away with both brakes on!

The Gull gang gathering.

Then - I smelled a smell.  The railings were being repainted.  Talk about catch your throat, it was horrible.  So I got back into the car and drove home.  Hoping all done by tomorrow when the forecast is good i.e. less wind.

A young Siskin!  How lovely.

Our Garden designer was here this morning with her sidekick and measuring everywhere.  Exciting !  My fellow artist and friend visited in the afternoon so some catch up.  I am now exhausted.


wherethejourneytakesme said...

At least the wind should blow the paint smell away.
Lovely little bird.

Anonymous said...

You are exhausted but I think it was a good day by the sound of it! Damn stinking paint, boy that kills me lol a no no fir me lol I had to give up oil paints and acyrilics since my lungs got bad but I still have water colour paint! Your photos are amazing as always lol the light is just so beautiful

mamasmercantile said...

The wind has been quite strong here as well. Hopefully it will do its job and take the smell of the paint away so that your next visit will be OK. Stunning photos as always.

Jean said...

The siskin is lovely.