Saturday, 5 January 2019

Same old, same old.

Pulmonary Physio exercised this morning - done.  

Prom.  Nice to see a bit of sun for a change.

It now being the weekend still plenty dog walkers so not many of the Gull Gang.  The tide was just turned.

The Kessock Burn has returned to its normal route into the North Sea.

Great Black Backed and Skurries (Herring Gulls)  including a juvenile.

Tiger Hill with a super sky above.

The Golden Horn at the entrance to the harbour.  A beacon, not a Lighthouse, so a steady beam not flashing as a lighthouse does.

The Short Eared Owl continues.

A Woodmouse begun.

Blackbird outside the Shedudio window.  We have nine at the last count.  The Big Garden Bird Watch is later this month.  You count the birds you see in an hour.  Every year there are none in that hour!

Our sunset.

Briony asked about the strange cat we had visiting.  Well its visits have lessened as Sith Cat and it had a few bust ups.  We still have not established whence it came or where it goes so it could be a feral cat.  Hope not as very often they have Feline Aids.

Sith cat purrs when stroked.  Sits on the DPs knee every night.  Glossy coat. Wet nose.  Creature of routine.  The DP gives him his breakfast.  Sith then comes and miaows at the side of the bed so I get up.  Give him his steroid and then he gets his second breakfast.  I could do without the reminder to get up but have no choice as if I don't there's a claw comes in and prods.  He then gets on his chair and snoozes til about 3 p.m. when he expects his tea.  

Anyone else enjoying or enjoyed Luther?  We tape the tele, neither of us can stand adverts so tape the programmes so we are a day late or even more with the actual programme.  So no spoilers please.  But really enjoying.

Same old, same old.  I too am a creature of routine - possibly trained by the cat.


Catriona said...

I’m glad that the post Christmas state of not knowing which day of the week it is ends soon. I like my routines and habits otherwise I tend to drift aimlessly through the days. Love your beach photos as always.

crafty cat corner said...

Hope the little cat is okay, but that's just me being a softie, lol
We watched Luther having enjoyed him before but I found this series to be a bit gorey, still watched it all though.

Joan (Devon) said...

Yes, we've been watching Luther, saw the third one tonight. Like you we record all programmes we watch and then zip through the adverts, although there aren't any with Luther as it's on BBC.

kjsutcliffe said...

I am also going to do the bird count later, last one was a bit of a damp squid and rain stopped play - very few birds to note. However, I record all the birds I see everytime I am in the summerhouse. So I averaged the more common visitors and logged them.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

I think you hardly need a clock in your house - I think your routines are wonderful - I need a few of my own - perhaps we will get a cat rather than a new clock!!

Groatie said...

I too have a cat who's got me well trained to her routine, complete with paw prompts which become (gentle but insistent) claw prompts. After my breakfast she parades in front of me to get groomed with her Furminator. She's then good for a few hours kip in her igloo, up against the storage heater. A great life :)