Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Day 2 of 2019 all is calm.

But very, very cold.

The DP was away on a bird watching jaunt, at the Ythan Estuary.  Apart from birds there is a vast colony of seals.

I boiled an egg for my lunch.  The dishwasher has decided not to work.  It lights up but does not proceed.  Ah well we have insurance for it.  I will phone them tomorrow.  Scotland shuts down for two days at New Year....

Although there was no wind today the sea was still very rough from the wind yesterday.

There were masses of Gulls.  

Until these two came along.

Some came back.

Not many walkers on the beach.

On the left a group of Gulls.

And a few Oystercatchers.

Just to keep warm I walked further today than I have for a while.

On the way back to the car I spotted this fishing boat going out - you can see the swells!

Back home I managed to light the woodburner which the DP had laid and fill up the bird feeders.

Then my friend and fellow artist came for a visit.

On her drawing board at the moment.  I did more talking than painting.....

RSPB North East on their jaunt.  The DP marked with an arrow!

He was back around 3 p.m. as it began to get dark.  

Still calm - even after I told him about the dishwasher and he had to wash up by hand......


kjsutcliffe said...

You have a good man, I'm lucky like that too.
Your weather is definitely more active than ours, we've some rather benign grey stuff going on x

Lilbitbrit said...

Such changes in your weather. Your sea photos and the birds are always good to see. I hope you don't mind me asking a question. I want to have a studio built in my garden. I wondered what size yours is to give me some idea and how did you decide on size and of course money comes into the equation. Thank you, Christine