Monday, 7 January 2019

Monday weather and health report.

Howling Gales today.  Currently 42 mph gusting to 62 mph.  Starts to ease off soon - well down to 30 +.  I hate the wind.

I went to the Prom.  Sat in the car with the window open.  Until it blew off my Blue Badge which was displayed on the dashboard.  But I got my sea air.

The car was rocking from side to side.

No-one else out there.

Back home.  Managed the Shedudio, rather faster than I wanted.

Sithcat was at the vets this lunchtime and had blood taken.  He came home sporting a bright blue luminous plaster thing on his leg.  It has since disappeared, I know not where or how he managed to do that, but all looks well.  The vet left a voice mail saying the blood tests showed no abnormalities.  She is phoning tomorrow afternoon to discuss.  I just hope its not an offer to do more invasive tests.  He looks well, eats well, goes out, comes back, likes his routine, eats a lot.  On demand basically.  Just the unexplained weight loss.  He is not exactly skin and bone.  I do seem to remember them being concerned about how heavy he was.....not that long ago either.  He is 15.

Terrible photos!

My health then.  I had a phone call from my Consultant.  She says I made the right decision to stop the one a day antibiotic.  I should not have been suffering the squits after so long.  She is to see me in 6 months time for a catch up.  This was at 5.30.p.m. Amazing.  She is lovely.

So Sith and I will carry on a bit longer.

I hope you all stay safe that are experiencing this wind.  


Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Wow! That weather is a bit extreme....Glad that your Sith cat seems to be well! And you won't have to take the antibiotics as you were doing.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

More of a breeze than wind here but it did rain all day long - not heavy but not a drizzle either - I stayed home in the warm - adding up and taking away - yes it is New Year budget time!!
Perhaps it is just age with Sith - at least the blood tests are good. I think consultants can be better than GP's for getting in touch - I would miss mine if I didn't have his support over the years.

Jean said...

My first thought was a thyroid problem, but I guess the blood test ruled that out. I hope Sith is okay. Glad to hear you feel better without the antibiotics.

mamasmercantile said...

We are blessed with such a good NHS sysytem and so nice to hear the positives. It has been blowing a gale here the winds have been 75 mph +.

Bovey Belle said...

No wind here. Glad that you and Sith cat can continue enjoying life without more proddings and pokings (I'll add myself to THAT category!)

Good to be reassured that you did the right thing leaving off the daily a/b's too.

Hope the weather is calmer with you today.

crafty cat corner said...

Glad you have sorted out the antibiotics, I know they are doing their best but once you leave the surgery its down to us to decide if the drugs are for us or not. I know Tom has made the decision to not take pills that have been prescribed before now.
Don't like the look of that wind, like you I hate the wind.