Saturday, 6 January 2018


Tomorrow I hope I will be like this.

Or this

Today.  Has been like this.

I have to say that this exacerbation (COPD par for the course, ) has not been as bad as previous ones.

Very wobbly.  Did not get dressed.  Did not go down to the shedudio. I have been 'sensible' and rested.  In fact I am bored stiff.

Tomorrow the weather forecast is good.  Low wind, yes its cold, its Winter, and Sun.  Whatever I am off out.



Lynn said...

Hope tomorrow is much better. L.x.

Chris said...

The swans are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh Jill, I wish there was a way to make you well, you certainly are an inspiration and your art is amazing! I love how you use color in such a beautiful way, such clean clears lines,,

crafty cat corner said...

I can understand how you feel, Tom is finding that some days he's okay and others not so good.
We're waiting for an in depth scan now, it may tell us more about what caused it.
All hospital visits at the moment.
Hope you feel better tomorrow.

kjsutcliffe said...

When I was going through a low patch, unable to get down to my studio, I brought my paints and paper inside. I painted on the diningroom table when I felt able and it kept me sane. Now, despite the weather still being the damp squid that it is, I have returned to my studio.
Hang in there, you'll feel more like you soon.
I love the swans - they are beautiful.

Terra said...

Pretty paintings of yours, and hope you enjoy the day and good health.

Gail, northern California said...

Wishing good days ahead for you.

In the meantime, you manage to perk everyone up around you. Thank you for the swans.