Thursday, 4 January 2018

Tides and feet.

I so wish the tide would hurry up and change.

I see the sea - and little else.  Still beautiful.  The air I breathe is clean and refreshing.  Bracing as well.

I did my totter along the Prom.

In the morning I used my new piece of equipment.

Add liquid soap, and water of course.  Sit on the bath shelf and rub your feet onto said equipment.  I can't bend over and breathe comfortably so this does seem to have helped.  Thats a pumice stone in the middle.  Main problem is I cannot look at the soles of my feet to see if there has been an improvement.  Tomorrow my foot lady comes so we will see what she has to say.

This must be the most boring post I have ever done....


Anonymous said...

well thats a handy dandy device!!

e said...

Well, your photos are nice and that thing for your feet does look handy...Best of luck with the foot lady.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I certainly like the idea of that device - hope it has worked well.
I do envy you living so near that beautiful sea.