Friday, 22 January 2021


My carer is unwell so did not come.  I rejected a replacement and managed on my own.   Having someone else is difficult as I have to tell them what to do and I get breathless talking!

An improvement in the weather so very thankfully we went to the Prom.

Still the high winds so I remained in the car.  These through the car window while I breathed in vitamin sea.

The DP took my camera.

Fishing boat away out to fish.


Blackheaded Gull.

Today's Surfers.  Father and child.

Oystercatchers in flight.

Still looking for inspiration to get painting again.  This might do it.  Fingers crossed.  Although I think having had the jab/vaccine may work better!

We have had a lot of rain and the fields are flooded as they are so saturated now.

A Grey Heron in a field up the road in the floods.

The days are lengthening.

Sun setting through the trees.

Vaccination goes on apace.  Still waiting but now the vulnerable are next on the list.  

You are such a supportive bunch for which I thank you.


wherethejourneytakesme2 said...

Beautiful pictures - we seem to be a bit birdless at the moment despite all the food I have put out.

The Furry Gnome said...

At least you got out of the house! Nice picture of the Heron.

Jan said...

Beautiful pictures! I really like the one of the Oystercatchers in flight. It would make a lovely painting! Hope you are able to get the vaccine soon. Still waiting over here in the U.S.

Bovey Belle said...

I love that photo of the Oystercatchers in flight - hope that tempts you to get back to painting.

We are still unpacking steadily and finding places for "stuff" (which is gradually going to be culled over the foreseeable future - starting with my archaeology books, which I couldn't find a buyer for pre-moving.

We had sunshine and blue skies the past two mornings, but then it clouded over and it snowed late afternoon here - wet blobby snow though. They say there's more to come.

Sooze said...

I love the photo of the oystercatchers in flight.

Mary said...

Some grand photos. As others have said, the oystercatchers in flight is terrific, but I like the grey heron, too.

Anonymous said...

I live in Luton Bedfordshire am 76 and healthy had my vaccination last week.So onward and upward I go.

Maria said...

Carolina from Portugal