Thursday 1 August 2019


The weather and me!

After lunch I drove to the Prom.

Not as many surfers today.  But some.  Not many waves to surf though.

Guard Boat manoeuvring to enter the harbour.  This boat Guards the oil platform to prevent other boats hitting the platform.  Hence the rescue deck in case they do.....

Overcast.  Not seen much sun today.

Tide just on the turn going out.  

Juvenile Blackheaded Gull.

Two small fishing boats heading for the harbour.

Back home and in the Shedudio I finally got painting.  So almost back to normal.

Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker in our garden this evening.

So much fresher.  Still no rain.  Most odd.

1 comment:

Bovey Belle said...

Great bird photos - I wouldn't have recognized the Juvenile Black Headed Gull as such, that's for certain!

Glad you have fresher air again. I don't do humidity either. A group of us went to the huge Quilt Festival at the NEC yesterday. All I can say is I was very glad it wasn't the previous Thursday, as the talk we all sat down to in the afternoon (couple of hundred people in there) was warm and airless and although I greatly enjoyed it, I was glad to escape!