Saturday, 2 September 2017


One week from today and NEOS commences.

Hoping I can keep fit and ensure I do NEOS without any health issues beforehand - or during - I did my every other day physio pulmonary exercises and increased some of them.  Quads up to 14, arm weights up to 7, step ups up to 7, pole raises remains at 16 - and was a struggle, sit to stand up to 12, and marching up to 20.  Which probably explains why my walk  on the Prom today was a short one.

Another beautiful day, though breezy, and tomorrow threatens 25 mph winds.  If the forecast remains the same tomorrow morning I will not be promenading.

Two tough kids practising their surfing not in wet/dry suits.  Bejasus.

Sleepy Blackheaded Gulls.

An awake Black Headed Gull.

And the Redshanks are back, well, one of them.

Back home and down the shedudio.  I managed to hang some of the newly framed paintings.

Tomorrow I go in and tweak.  Move the chairs round, the browsers so all can be got at with ease.  I need the cost of the new framings before I can price them up and do the labels.  Meanwhile the DP is attacking the garden around the patio outside the shedudio.  It will probably be hissing it down with rain and gale force winds during NEOS  week but if not all will be good.  Yes?  Please?  

Week today.  It begins, counting down.


kjsutcliffe said...

Fingers crossed for good weather, lots of visitors and good sales ☺ x

Mum said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for good weather for you.

Sue in Suffolk said...

more crossed fingers here