Monday, 18 September 2017

What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare.

This morning - no pressure.  Lovely.  After lunch I was off to the local hospital for my physiotherapy check up and all was good.  

After that I was off back to the Prom.  Oh -so good.  No rain, no wind.

Hi Guys.  Quite a rough sea outside the bay.


Oyster Catchers.

Black Headed Gull.

Bath time.  A Linnet and a House Sparrow, the latter having a bath and the Linnet thinking about it.

S0 good to be able to walk and no pressure on getting back to meet and greet.  

When I did come home I went down to the shedudio and did a bit of painting and some bird watching.  All good for the soul.

We open studio peeps were asked to get email addresses from our visitors.  For a survey.  Which I did.  I downloaded the form so to do.  Now NEOS want me to type all the email addresses as they can't read the filled in form sent in as a scanned document.  So why send me a form?  So yet more time out of my life to ensure my visitors stand a chance of winning a voucher to spend for filling in said form.  Never again.  Never again.

I will do it.  From here on in I stand and stare.


Chris said...

Great video! That poor wee boat seems to be all but disappearing under the waves, only to pop up again.

kjsutcliffe said...

Just post them the form - let them sort it. You have more than enough to do with standing and staring and breathing and painting!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hate the way the boat disappears behind the waves - thank goodness they know what they are doing.