Thursday, 7 September 2017

I give up.

Bit late tonight.  But I have had a big down day.  Last night I got a slap on the wrist from NEOS.  I had posted up pictures of my yellow signs going up, which we artists are encouraged to do.  And was informed that I should take them down as they were not allowed within 50 metres of a road sign.

This is where I live.  Now where do you put a yellow sign?  At a junction where potential visitors have to turn seems the obvious choice.  50 metres away would defeat the whole object.  This road sign is on such a narrow road it has passing spaces.  It is not a main road.  The only accident on this road was mine when I was hit by a white van shooting out and ignoring a give way sign and sent 360 degrees through a barbed wire fence into a field and had to be cut out of my car by the fire brigade.

The signs are allowed up by the council 2 days before the exhibition and have to be down 2 days after, which we have always complied with.  But me, like a fool, supporting NEOS post up on their facebook page my sign.  

I tell you all this is the last NEOS I do.


Vivian said...

OK, you were "advised". Does that mean that they sent storm troopers to your house to frog-march you to the scene of the desecration?

Little people exert their feeble grasp of power by being impolite. When face to face with these gnomes, all you have to do look the in the eye and say ... "So?"

Let them fume. Let them sputter. Let them feel your boredom with their petty enforcement of their ephemeral sense of importance. Give them the stink eye. And then just fuck 'em.

Sue in Suffolk said...

What a fuss over nothing. Anyone would think you had put up permanent covering over road signs.
Still hope your visitors find you

BadPenny said...

Oh you are a naughty girl xx

Anonymous said...

Hi there - I have been following your blog with interest and would have loved to come to your open studio but sadly you are a bit too far away! If the Council and powers that be focused on real serious issues that people have to put up with in the same way as this minor offence you seemed to have committed (I won't go on!).
Last year at our daughter's wedding in Scotland we had people coming from all over the country and we put up direction signs at most road junctions nearby - no one said a thing - only the church organist who asked if he could have the signs afterwards to rejig into something for their monthly coffee afternoons at the church. In Stranraer people hang huge sheets saying Happy Birthday to someone at junctions and on roundabouts - to me that is a sign of a small friendly town where people acknowledge one another and it would be sad if the Council there ever put their foot down.
If you get sent down for the offence I am sure we will all come and visit LOL! Don't let it put you off having a lovely day - if anyone manages to find you!

Jules said...

What a lot of fuss about nothing. The only thing that would annoy me is signs left up weeks after an event has taken place. I hope it is a success. X

Lanniesmum said...

God preserve us all from jobsworths!! Catriona