Wednesday, 2 March 2016

You never know what is going to happen next.

Almost two weeks ago now I was tootling along on my way home.  A very loud bang and there I was in a field having done a 75% turn.  Car wrapped in barbed wire. The farmer was there before the emergency services. a)to check on me and b) presumably to check on his fence.  The vehicle that hit me had come out of a side road and has admitted it was their fault.  Although of course all this was going on while I sat there in shock.

This is the Fire Brigade removing my car door to extract me.  I was then carried to the ambulance by the Firemen and woman.  (In every cloud there is a silver lining!)

After checks to make sure I was not about to expire I was taken to casualty and diagnosed with damaged ribs.  As if I didnt know.  By this time I was in agony.  Far worse than childbirth.  Told to take paracetemol 4 hourly.  

So here I am. Alive. Pain of ribs very much eased .  Very, very lucky.


Anonymous said...

wow wow wow, I'm so sorry this happened to you,
thats amazing you were not hurt worse,,,, I wonder ,,, is it better you didn't see it coming? I ask because we almost got struck by a transport that ran a red light, it was so close and it was awful to see him coming lol,,, I am so glad you are OK but damaged ribs are no fun, hard to breath , hard to laugh,, hard to move,, take care,, thats is very scary,, nice the farmer came so quickly too!!

Terra said...

Oh you poor darling and yet, also you poor BLESSED darling to survive and I am hoping with no permanent damage for you. What a shocking moment for you. I think Jesus was there to prevent worse damage.

Lilly's Mom said...

Oh my gosh! I am so happy to hear you are OK. It could have been disastrous. Sore ribs are very painful but I hope you will feel better soon. Wishing you the best, Pat xx

rusty duck said...

You were very lucky Jill, it could have been so much worse.
Glad you're on the mend x

Mum said...

Oh my goodness, I've just read this post. Poor you but I'm glad you are back on your feet again. What a shock.

Marjorie said...

Hope you are on the mend. Glad the other driver admitted to being in the wrong. Gentle hugs.

Laura Whispering said...

Goodness me - of all the things I could happen upon as I rediscover your blog! I'm sorry to hear about this but glad that you're in one piece and hoping that the ribs are much better now.

Take care!
- Laura (Whispering) xo