Friday, 12 June 2020

A Dreich Day.

Heavy mist everywhere.

Could still see the Gull Gang.

A Proper Artist would do the background first.  But then I am not a proper artist, not really an artist either!  I just paint what my mind sees.

My lovely carer was here this morning.  She is a very beautiful 26 year old.  I run out of breath from talking when she is here.  Talking and laughing.  Better than any pill or potion.

The DP and I  just watched a taped Midsomer Murder where people burst into flame.  Reminded me I should not go near the wood burning stove.  Oxygen tubes etc.!



terry said...

I remember seeing that episode.Oh my! I am glad you are so careful with the oxygen.

Jackie said...

What a misty day, but it seems like the gull gang like it.

God bless.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm so glad your carer is happy and chatty.
It wasn't just dreich here yesterday, it was B awful!

Christine Hancock said...

Laughing is the best medicine, I always feel better after a zoom chat with two on line friends. Your carer sounds lovely.

Tigger's Mum said...

Don't we need those days to remind us to enjoy the bright ones? There are still things to see. The mist has a beauty too.

pat chester said...

Yes, I have watched that Midsomer Murder several times as we have lots of DVDs for that. So glad your carer is so good for you. You are being so careful with your oxygen which my daughter's mother-in-law wasn't, she still smoked.

Our weather today has been hot, too hot for me but have been able to do some bits in the garden. Hope to do more tomorrow afternoon, as it has been raining nearly all last week so nothing much got done. I have recently started a blog, but haven't posted for a few days because I haven't really done much.

Your painting is good and inspirational. I intend to try to do watercolour painting fairly soon.

Keep safe.

mamasmercantile said...

A murky few days here too, at least the weather has improved. So glad you enjoy your carer.