Thursday, 15 May 2014

Mixed Bag.

More a catch up.  I may have been quiet on the blog front but have been busy elsewhere.

Back on the physiotherapy with a new group.

Though there are not this many of us and we still only have one exercise bike.

Back to Art Group.

My confidence has had quite a knock from the illness and subsequent break in creativity but it is coming back.  

The three art groups I am involved with which meet at Dalrymple Hall have been planning and organising a joint exhibition with Fraserburgh Photographic Society.

My job is to do the advertising including social media.  You can see' Fraserburgh Art Summer Exhibition' on face book

As Museum trustee I have been wading through appraisals, job interviews, disciplinaries, and doing battle with our local college on Modern Apprentice schemes.  Too confidential to blog about, although there have been some very amusing interchanges.

And having my eyes tested.


 See me peering over the glasses.  That is because I can no longer see anything through the glasses.  When I phoned the opticians we have gone to for over twenty years to tell them this they said I was not due an appointment and the earliest was July anyway.  And couldnt give a sod about me driving, not being able to read road signs, or even see there was a road sign, so I decided to shop more local.  

And indeed my vision has drastically altered.  My long sight has improved.....But I am old.  It was explained to me in a manner I could understand, though dont expect me to repeat it, I understood at the time of telling, ok?  I think its to do with a cataract I have lurking.

Now during this eye examination I had drops put in. So was not to drive.  I had been warned and the DP took me in and then went to a meeting.  I then had a choice of phoning for a taxi or walking up to the Lighthouse.  Wearing sunglasses as my pupils were the size of dinner plates.

So where to do any warm up exercises before the marathon trek?  

I need a bench to hang on to do some of the stretches but  I could give this gentleman a heart attack.

So I set off.  Despite 3 stops where I did my breathing exercises (hung on to a wall and made noises and groaned) I made it!

Though the day after, today, my legs feel like a mixed bag - of aching muscles. 

1 comment:

Mum said...

Not overdoing it - are we?

Love from Mum