Tuesday, 11 August 2020


Different carer today.  We managed.  Me out of breath explaining the routine.

DP shopping for bits and pieces and prescription collecting.

Then some painting for me.  Oh and I did most of the rose pruning, but some parts I cannot reach.

Some shading for the final tweaks.  One more look see tomorrow then it will be finished.

Weather heavily humid.  We are all waiting for the promised storms.  Just misty here now.

Warm enough for some.  To go into the sea.

Small Mackerel boat.  Fuzzy in the heat haze.

Gull Gang.

I walked.  And breathed.

Our award winning beach.

The car that parked next to me and had her engine running.  I like to get back into my car after the walk, open the windows and breathe in and out.  Not possible with these ignorant drivers.  Out of interest I tested my oxygen levels with the finger pulsometer.  53.  Now that is seriously bad.  So I moved my car.  Within minutes of breathing through the open window it was 88.  She had children in the car with her windows open.  Does she not THINK.  

I am now working out how to begin a crusade against these polluting p*****ks.  Suggestions welcome.


Marlane said...

I have several suggestions. Can you get your husband to go with you and respectfully ask the person to turn off the motor. Is it possible to contact a local newspaper and have them print an article on the front page about you and how you need fresh air etc Is there a local page on Face Book that you can post on saying the same. Make several signs saying turn off motor and have someone put them in strategic places with out being seen such in the dead of night and lastly contact the local council and see if they will put up signs. I feel for you.

Mary Bolton said...

Offer the new carer a beautiful smile and hand her a printed list of
your preferences. Surely they will understand the need to keep you from
becoming breathless.

Enjoy your blog very much!

Jackie said...

Nope, some people do not think.

God bless.

Jules said...

I was wondering why she would choose to leave the engine running. Presumably it was for the air-conditioning. X

pat chester said...

It is illegal to have the engine running whilst the car is parked. This was introduced fairly recently and I find it annoying that people do this as well. Glad you could repark and get your oxygen up.

Jean said...

I can't understand why anybody would keep the engine running with the windows open. Unless she was charging her phone? I love your painting.