Friday, 14 August 2020


Gloomy from clouds all day.

Great excitement as the council work men finally get round to fitting our corner with signs.  Photos tomorrow.  Just hoping this stops the regular destruction of our boundary fence.  January 2018 we were promised these signs......

Hydrangeas.  I managed to prune these earlier in the year and it has paid off.  Blooming gorgeous.  The DP chucked coffee grounds under the lower pictured one and it worked.  Blue blossom.

Carer here this morning.  So I am clean and polished.  This carer is very serious.  I dare not crack a joke.  Not sure I am comfortable with her.

The DP is regularly mouth washing with boiled water and salt and is improving.  

I was late up this morning.  Which knocked everything into being late!  Late lunch.  

Postie brought my new business cards.  He said if these are correct I will have some!  All correct.

Late to the Prom as the DP had collected my prescription and it was wrong again.  I have a monthly pill to take to stop my bones crumbling and its due tomorrow and wasn't in the packet.  I phoned and they said we will give it to you without a prescription from the doctor.  

So I just have to be early tomorrow as its an hour of staying upright after taking it and before I can eat.  We went and collected it from the chemist so late to the Prom.

Big boat aided by the pilot out of the harbour.

Fishing boat away all by itself.

Surf school.

And a wobbly video.


Jackie said...

Your hydrangeas are beautiful. I may have to try the coffee ground trick to see if that works on my white hardy hydrangea.

God bless.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love the taste of the sea I get each time I read your pose. Glad you have had some warm weather.

Jules said...

There are some Hydrangeas up by the main road here. I'm tempted to prune a few blooms to display in my vase the kitchen. X

Jean said...

Well done on your hydrangeas. They are beautiful.