Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Storm Francis.

Arrived and messed up the day totally.

Carer did her stuff.  The one who treats me like an old woman.  In age maybe.... but!

Phone call taken by the DP from the Oxygen company.  They want to service the oxygen machine.  And will come between 9 and 5.  Really?  Am I not allowed a life?

I may phone them tomorrow and say I need a window on that please.

Last nights camera action and we had an exterior light on and it didn't bother them.  So the DP is planning putting out his mobile hide.  If that doesnt put them off he will be outside with camera.  I shall be in bed.

We had  drive round and had a look.  No way were we getting out of the car.  Strong wind and torrential rain.  Separately I would have but not together!

Better forecast for tomorrow.  So hoping for a walk oxygen tank servicing allowing of course.


The Furry Gnome said...

I too have a variety of caregivers, good and bad!

The Weaver of Grass said...

It certainly is a little better this morning, but then it couldn't have been much worse. Hope it is better with you too.

mamasmercantile said...

For once it passed us by unless it is going to hit later today maybe?

Jean said...

Hope the DP manages to get out with his camera and also the weather is better for you tomorrow.

Bovey Belle said...

Hope it's calmer weatherwise with you today. We even had some sunshine this afternoon (and it was HOT then). Didn't last though.

Fingers x'd you get a narrower window than All Day!