Monday, 31 August 2020


As I write this the DP is outside in his hide waiting for a Badger!  Videos from last night.

I am not outside.

Hoping he doesnt put the Badger off.  He had put up the hide last night and the Badger came.

After lunch I was down in the Shedudio painting and bird watching.

Never have I struggled so much with a painting.

Sparrows through the window.  Hence the hazy picture.

Only small boats today.

I did my walk.  Despite not a good day breathing wise.  If it were not for this sodding Pandemic I would have had my regular tests, seen the medical people, been able to discuss stuff.  So worrying when you are not able to do that.

The Gull Gang lifted my spirits.  As always.

Surf School back on go.

More came after I took this.

We do support our local small businesses.  But this is beyond a joke.  Shutters were down at 10 past 4.  I am told it should be 4.3o.  Well it aint.

Sunset is now much earlier.  September tomorrow.  Goodness.



Tigger's Mum said...

Sir Beagle is coming along well. Do you struggle because it's a change from birds, or do you know this beagle so well you are trying to reflect some of its personality? Still enjoying the snippets of the brock; its making itself quite a home isn't it?

mamasmercantile said...

Such a beautiful sunset, great photos. We too are wondering when the medical services will return to something like normal. Regular monitoring and such seems to have gone by the wayside.

crafty cat corner said...

I love the badgers little legs.
You may be struggling with that doggy but I'm loving it