Sunday, 9 August 2020


Not a lot but more comfortable.

Windows and both doors open in the Shedudio.  Painting progressing.

The water feature given to us by the youngest is growing well.  It is a nice touch on the patio.

The DP has been doing bits in the garden.  More thistle clearing and some pruning today.  I have a rose to do tomorrow.  Great leggy thing tis in for a short back and sides and a shock.

Boats of all sizes.  The further out the heat haze blurs them.

Some people and some gulls.  Not together!

Some odd parking at the caravan park.  Perhaps I will stay at home.

One of our male pheasants is going through the annual moult.

Sun setting.

My third daughter is having fun on Google street visiting houses we have lived in.

When we lived there it had a beautiful front garden.  Not block paving which it has now.  I could weep.  This is in Tamworth   Our children did their schooling in Tamworth.  

Hey ho.  I do not live there any more.  I live here where owls hoot at night and everywhere is green and growing.


Marlane said...

I have done the visiting of my former houses that way via google also. It was very entertaining for me. I even went so far as to make an album of them with a description below. I was bored LOL I have lived in the UK and here in California.

Gail, northern California said...

I can't bring myself to ever go back to the beautiful home I share with the love of my life for 40+ years. I'm too afraid of what I might see.

Tink said...

Your painted rock rocks!

Jackie said...

What a pretty water feature.

God bless.

Tigger's Mum said...

We learned years ago to 'never go back'. You invest your heart in making a home, but it is never the next person's idea of home and they make their own decisions about it - just as we did. My UK home is rented out while we work in Greece and I have just found out the tenants have redecorated some of the most recently decorated rooms because they didn't like the colours. It's only paint I guess, and I was prepared anyway for it to 'not be home' when we return. Maybe it will provide the impetous that will be needed to remake it as a home on our return.

Barbee' said...

Love the boats, especially that cute little yellow one!