Tuesday, 7 July 2020


One of the two days a week I have a carer who washes me head to toe, applies moisturising cream, and dresses me.  It took me a while to get used to this but now I have carers I can trust and they maintain respect but make the whole experience a fun one.  Having to accept one cannot do some things is hard but one does.

The Prom today was again filled with lots of Surfers.  Almost as many photographers.  Our beach has the North East Surfing championships.  We have won it and hope these newbes will be winners one day.

No Gull Gang today.  But some boat activity.

I walked,  lovely weather.  No wind, no rain and sun.

I painted in the Shedudio.

A group of Herring Gulls.

One finished too.

My framer is due a socially distanced visit.

Evening on my own as the DP went to the Bullers of Buchan where the Puffins nest.  A Photographic Society jaunt.  Five of them went and nobody fell off the cliff edge.

Now the sun has set.

Thanks to all you lovely bloggers for the supportive comments.  Visiting the Prom keeps me going but your appreciation is the icing on the cake.


Thickethouse.wordpress said...

What a sunset! And how much I love your art.It gets better and better, I think.

Marjorie said...

Love your blog, the prom and those herring gulls. I come here every day for an update and nothing is boring. I hope you can see your friends and family soon. I haven't seen my youngest son since Christmas and long to see him. The others live too far away to visit easily but he is only four hours one way from me (close over here). Hugs to you, the DP and Sith.

Tigger's Mum said...

Rain or shine the photos you post portray a feeling of crispness about the air. The memory of such things is a pleasant relief from the heaviness of the air at these lower latitudes at this time of year.

crafty cat corner said...

It's amazing how we can adjust up to pretty much anything isn't it?
We like you have had to make lots of unwanted adjustments to our lives but find them not as bad as expected.
What an amazing sky.

Mary said...

Whenever I see your pictures of the prom, I like to imagine the blissful smell of the sea. Your daily respite becomes a shared one. Thank you.

The Furry Gnome said...

You have an incredibly beautiful beach, no wonder you enjoy visiting the prom! I too have had to get used to caregivers washing me head to foot, although I still manage to do my face. It's not an easy shift in your thinking but made easier by simple necessity.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I see you have a lovely sunset too Jill.

busybusybeejay said...

You have had a better day than us in North Wales.It has rained all day.What a great place you live in.To be able to see the sea everyday must be wonderful.

kjsutcliffe said...

Lovely sunset, ours was a damp squid!