Wednesday, 22 July 2020

New Technology problems.

Basically I am all for new technology.  It is fine until it stops working.  And you do not know why.

For some time when I phone the DP on his mobile phone he doesn't answer and it goes to messaging.  I put it down to him turning the volume down etc.  But this morning it became scary.

The green snake brings a low dose of oxygen to me throughout the night.  On one of my waking up and going to the loo visits I realised it had stopped.  Then realised the electric clock in the bedroom had stopped.  So - a power cut.  Now I do have an emergency tank for such a happening but have no idea how to work it.  The DP was Dawn Patrolling.  So I phoned him.   Repeatedly.  I was on the point of dialling 999 when the electric came back on.   
I could of course and did use the portable oxygen bottle this you have to be upright and sniff it in.  But this was 6 a.m. and I wanted to go back to sleep!  I was being silly and panic set in.

Well the upshot is he has tried everything and accepts there is no ring tone no way of increasing volume etc.  So tomorrow off to Tesco and get it sorted.  First thing.


Chris said...

Very scary! Hope it's now sorted.

Tink said...

Wow! That is certainly a problem - hope you can get it fixed straight away!

Jackie said...

Wow, I do hope that things are sorted out with the phone. How very scary for you.

God bless.

Sooze said...

Not silly at all Jill, I'd have panicked too. Hope DP can get phone sorted - or get a new one - today, it's necessary.

mamasmercantile said...

Scary times. Hope you manage to get it sorted.

Moira said...

Similar thing happened to me it was not so serious but I also panicked. I was driving the motor home on my own through France hubby was cycling and I was to pick him up later,but could not find the pick up point, and it is no easy to park a 6.5 metre van. So I phoned and I phoned no answer once I had calmed down I went to a nice bar and had a glass of wine, he finally phoned, his phone was switched off as he did not need it. to!I'd him to find me.

Tigger's Mum said...

Is there a battery powered alternative emergency stand-by option?

Jules said...

That is bound to be a concern. I hope you've resolved the problem now. X