Friday, 3 July 2020


Friday is one of the two days my carer visits.  So I am clean from top to toe.  And exhausted from chatting so much!

My foot wifie has been in touch and hopes to see to my feet on Monday.  Good as soon I wont be able to get shoes on as I cant cut my toe nails.  She will phone the day before to do an assessment.  Check we are both well etc.  I contacted my shielding advice team.  After consulting with a clinical health advisor it was decided the foot wifie was a health necessity and could visit with the appropriate garb.  Visor, gloves, mask, apron.....  All this for my toe nails to get cut.

Despite the rain forecast we went to the Prom.

Through the windscreen.  But I got out and went to the railings.

It was heavy rain too.  But I got my sea air.

With no people or dogs there were plenty Gulls.

Wet but still beautiful.

As is the female pheasant sheltering under our honeysuckle arch.

I have been in touch with our path creators.  We would like a raised herb bed.  A step for Sithcat to be level to the cat door and possibly a pond.  They are coming next Thursday for a discuss.  Upwards on Onwards.

Was not expecting to have a stunning sunset with all the rain.  But....


Chris said...

Busy day for you. Very quiet here as it is too hot to do anything strenuous.

Jackie said...

Wow, the gull gang sure grew. Poor little pheasant, she sure does not like the rain.

God bless.

Tigger's Mum said...

You take great birdlife photos. We loved your pheasant today.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Isn't that female pheasant beautifully marked.

Jean said...

Great bird and sky photos. I walked in the rain yesterday evening. Not very heavy though and very refreshing.