Wednesday, 29 July 2020

A Full Day.

So I am now exhausted!

Our Doctors Surgery Paramedic came in the morning.  Temperature took - fine.  Pulseometer - fine.  Listened to chest.  Could hear a wheeze.  So Antibiotics and Steroids courses to take.  Chatty catch up.  It is talking that makes me breathless!!

At 2 my friend arrived.  I can now have people inside socially distant.  

The DP had gone in to the Shedudio and worked out the distance and cleaned a bit and put stuff into drawers so I don't know where anything is..... 

We had a big catch up friend and I so more talking.

She left and we went to the Prom.  My car has just had its first service as it is a year old.

A cool wind, not as strong as yesterday, led to the empty beach.  I walked.

Some of the Gull Gang.  I had a photographer accompanying me on some of the walk again I was chatting, its fatal....almost.

A fishing boat and a Beam Trawler.

Back in the car and out of the wind.

Blackheaded Gull sat alongside.

I did not have to speak.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I am always in awe of your beach. It looks so peaceful and gorgeous.

Glad that you can now have visitors inside. Social distancing of course.

God bless.