Sunday, 18 October 2020


No wind.  Bits of sun.  Cold.  Autumn.  Need to adjust my timetable.  As the days get shorter.  Also the clocks go back an hour soon.  So it will be Prom visit after lunch then the Shedudio.  At the moment it is the other way round.

Badger visitation last night.  

We have espied a rat.  Seen where it is coming from and returning to.  The only animal I cannot abide.  Hopefully not long before it will be no more.

Shedudio after lunch today but probably all change tomorrow.  

Well it just had to be an Oystercatcher to get me back painting again!

The back wall of the Shedudio.  Still havent managed to declutter the house so the cleaners have a clean sweep so best not get any ideas for rearranging this lot.

Walking back up to the house another view of the new pond.

We need to work out what to do with the edges next.

At the Prom there were some young surfers but in the main it was the grown ups.

Big boat on the horizon.

It takes about ten minutes to drive to the Prom and I can feel all the anxieties fade away the nearer we get.  Silly.

I did my full walk today and also a fair bit of chatting, socially distanced.

A good day.


Chris said...

Well done. you! It sounds like a cheerful day.

The Furry Gnome said...

It's not silly! It helps keep you sane.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Seeing the surfers in your photos makes me feel very cold and glad the swimming pool is heated!