Tuesday, 20 October 2020

The Sun Shone.

Well it rained a bit first.  

My personal carer did not appear.  I do have a washing routine but it isn't the whole body and hair jag.  So a bit miffed I now have to wait till Friday. 

The care company phoned to offer me someone else but I said no as by this time it was heading for lunchtime.  So a lick and a promise.

After lunch the cleaning company landed at a time nearer to the one we had agreed.  I was ensconsed down the shed.  So they could crack on.  

And so did I.

Well pleased with the cleaning done.  I really must declutter my bedroom.  I have piles of papers to file away.  Just hate doing it.

Then on to our winter hours we went to the Prom earlier.

It is still half term here.  We get two weeks.  Tattie fortnight.  No surf school just families of Surfers.  We breed them here!

The littlest Surfer today.

He has no fear and once his Dad launches him he stands on the board.  Right until he falls off.  Just an amazing kid.


Last night we had a visitor we never had before.

A fox.

I am sorting out the cats that visit.  Apparently the mystery ones are from a farm up the road.  No idea why they are visiting, nothing for cats to eat.  Only difference is we have no resident cat.  I just want another cat but the DP says no..

Hey ho.  Goodnight.


Jackie said...

What a cute little surfer.

Sorry your carer did not arrive.

God bless.

The Weaver of Grass said...

You really do get good wild life there don't you.

Tigger's Mum said...

Somehow cats learn about territory that is not occupied by another cat and move onto it. Enjoy having a part-time cat perhaps??