Thursday, 11 February 2016

Still walking.

Hopefully we can all see this video I took today.  The wind was not too strong but was coming off the sea so was not that pleasant. The first time on my walk I had to take shelter and sit down.  The plus was the horizon was in the right place, unlike my photographs when it is on a definite slant.

I am struggling with COPD  but am determined not to let it defeat me.  So every day I can I walk.  Yesterday was too much wind  so the Dawn Patroller took me inland. To Strichen Community Park.

I enjoyed it. Good to be out and staggering.  But the sound of traffic rather than waves wasnt that good.  Although the double shot cappuccino was ace from the lovely cafe.


Anonymous said...

I would rather listen to the sea over traffic anyday,,beautiful though, take care,

rusty duck said...

Your determination is amazing Jill. But it is good to get out, even just 15 minutes after being weather bound for so many days (me) is enough to raise the spirits.

Mum said...

Ooh, it looks cold there. I bet you were glad of the coffee.