Sunday, 17 February 2019

Sunny Sunday.

The DP was away this morning guiding a group of his fellow Fraserburgh Photographic Society members at the Loch of Strathbeg, our local RSPB Bird reserve.  Posted up on the Society's facebook page.  The photo with the most likes by a week today wins one of my paintings.  If you are on facebook checkout their facebook page and vote!

Here is one of the DPs.  Squabbling Greenfinch.   Dont vote for him though!

It has been sunny but the wind is back.

The wind was going from right to left.  Quite strong - 22 mph - then there are the gusts when you are least expecting it.  So I stayed put by the railings.  I was glad the wind was going in the direction it was as Margaret from Bradford came up for a chat.  And told me she had a cold....then realised what she had said and made a swift exit.  Fortunately she was downwind of me.  There is me avoiding shops, cafes, people so as not to get another chest infection and ........

Being a Sunday not a lot to see in the bird world.

A solitary Oystercatcher, facing into the wind.

Lots more Oystercatchers on my painting.

Good news.  My lovely joiner came and measured up for the new fence.  Awaiting the quote.... It will be 3 and a half feet tall with balls on.  So there you go.


DUTA said...

The "Squabbling Greenfinch" is a lovely picture!

kjsutcliffe said...

Excellent photo - but I won't vote for him!
You are getting to be famous - if Margaret from Bradford appeared for a chat and then realising her 'lurgy-state' made a swift exit!

Catriona said...

Oooh-the colour of the sea is just magical. Smelling salts at the ready for the quote for your new fence.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

Was that balls or bells??
I absolutely love the pattern of the new painting it is like the March of the Oystercatchers!
Perhaps you need one of the clear space bubble helmets so you can still see people but not catch their germs. We have a large chinese population in Huddersfield at the University and the majority of them walk about with masks on - don't blame them Huddersfield must be quite a polluted place compared with China! But I bet they don't catch our colds.
The squabbling Greenfinch is brilliant - I think he deserves a vote - if only a silent one.

Jules said...

DP's photograph is stunning.

mamasmercantile said...

DP's photograph was amazing, a great shot.