Saturday, 3 February 2018

Grey Day.

But no wind.  

Somebody having a bonfire.

High tide.   No Gull gang.

Lobster Boat on the way back into the harbour.

Started a painting.

I will be phoning on Monday to the hospital to confirm my attendance and double check it is Sunday.  I know there have been struggles to keep up with operations.  My op. should have been done within 12 weeks of the pre op consultation but I was told then it wouldnt be.  And the state of the NHS with the under funding from the government I certainly was not going to jump up and down about it.

I have had one cataract operation.  The difference was amazing.  Colours so much brighter.  My right eye now to be done is just a total fog.  I can see shapes but no detail.  As someone who draws and paints it has meant I have to be very aware I am not seeing things for the brain to deal with and therefore 3D is a no no.  So I have had to compensate.  Driving is fine as I have 20/20 vision with the left eye, just have to turn my head like an owl at a junction so that the good eye checks what is coming - or not.

I am not looking forward to the operation, who does!  I have to lie flat on my back with my head lower.  The consultant I spoke to on the pre op said I would not be laid flat but on a slope to assist my breathing (COPD) and to be comfortable (Osteopenia - fractured spine and compressed vertebrae.)  Hope that is in my notes!  Also this time round I am to have anasthesia into the eye or around it, I went a bit hazy on that information.  Apparently when I had the first I was 'grabbing' the nurses hand .  I do think this was more from the person doing the operation giving me a blow by blow account of what she was doing.  "Just going to cut now....."  like a Chinese Joyce Grenfell.

Thinking positive as always.  By then I should have my two new lime green chairs in the dining room and the wood burner in the shedudio.  Yay.

Last time round!


Anonymous said...

Is the SNP government in Scotland under funding the NHS as well?

Anonymous said...

I’ve just been told I have cataracts so I’m at the beginning of this journey. Good luck with your next one.!

To answer your commentator above, NHS funding in Scotland is funded by the UK government so cuts in England and Wales affect Scotland as well.

Carol from West Lothian

Scarlet said...

I've had both of mine done, the first aged 43 ( I couldn't see my hand in front of my face with that one, and it developed very quickly), and the second 3 years later. I've since had both YAG lasered as the implants had clouded up. I had an injection into the first one but not the second...different surgeons and they had different preferences.

crafty cat corner said...

We were told that an urgent consultation was about 6-8 weeks, lol
Tom has a cataract among the other million things wrong. lol Still they say creaking gates hang longest.
Gall stones been playing up the last couple of days, hey ho, there's always something.
As for Grey days, I am so fed up with this weather, no sunshine gets you down a bit.
sorry if I sound gloomy, its because I am. Be okay tomorrow. LOL