Thursday, 1 February 2018


It promised wind.  That is what we got and still have.

The sea on the boil.

The lower level of the Prom I have recently started walking on was in the sea!

Looking up.  I should point out that all these photos were taken out of my car window.  No way was I getting out.

No surfers today!

Here are some taken by the DP who did get out of his car .

Back to the more mundane.  Well actually not mundane.  Exciting.  This is my shedudio wood burning stove.  My fitter called this morning and we went over everything.

Tomorrow I shall be ordering this.  Then ordering the flue bits and pieces. Paying for it all.....  If all goes to plan all will be installed next week!

Now to the header Communication.  My mobile phone - after trying every which way to contact Virgin I went down to Tesco and they did it all for me.  Wonderful!  I would far rather speak to a human being than a phone which gives you various options of pressing buttons none of which relate to my problem, or even cancel the contract...... All fixed.  A couple of days before Virgin let me have my own phone number back.  I can send and receive texts and I have a signal in the house!  I can phone but using a temporary number for now.  

What I did find amusing was the young man in Tesco lowered his voice and asked, "Now I do have to ask you your date of birth."  I replied, " 21.3. 1949, " the last bit in a very loud voice.  Ha ha.

A good day.  Wind will drop to about 19 mph when I go for my walk tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.


Scarlet said...

We've been with Tesco for 4 years now as they've been very good.
Those waves are wild! The sea scares me a lot.

justjill said...

Scarlet. The mantra round here is "Respect the sea." Then you will be fine.x

crafty cat corner said...

Fabulous sea photos. I have lived 5 mins from the sea all of my life, I love it and can't think what it must be like not to have the sea to look at. I bet you are excited about the stove, I know I would be.

Gail, northern California said...

Ha-Ha-Ha- 1949! and proud of it!

Good for you!

Lynda said...

Love the DP's wild sea photos!! xx

DUTA said...

Very dramatic photos! Well, sea and wind always generate drama. As long as it's not tzunami,all's well.
I find myself reacting in the same way about age, but it wasn't always so.